GIEK Doubling Down on Offshore Wind

Tasked to provide the financial power to help Norwegian companies export their wares to the world, Wenche Nistad, CEO of the Norwegian Export Credit Guarantee Agency (GIEK) pulls no punches when asked about the appetite for investment in traditional offshore oil and gas today: “The money has disappeared…
Fred. Olsen Offshore Liftboat to Support Thor Wind Farm Seabed Tests

Fred. Olsen Windcarrier has signed a contract with the Danish firm Geo to supply an offshore liftboat for the preliminary geotechnical investigations for the Thor offshore wind project in the Danish North Sea. Fred. Olsen Windcarrier's liftboat Jill - a self-propelled DP2 vessel that can operate in the geotechnical…
EDF Begins Construction on 450 MW OWF
French utility EDF Group announced that its subsidiary EDF Renewables has launched the construction of the Scottish Neart na Gaoithe (NnG) offshore wind farm project along with the new partners, the Irish electricity company Electricity Supply Board (ESB), which is…
Fred Olsen Windcarrier Debuts in Taiwan
The offshore wind parks specialist Fred Olsen Windcarrier won its first major deal in the Asian market after being picked to install the 8MW Siemens Gamesa Renewable Energy (SGRE) turbines at the Yunlin offshore wind farm off Taiwan.Fred. Olsen Windcarrier will mobilise…