Saturday, July 27, 2024

Congress News

Offshore Energy Production & the World Economy

Copyright NickEyes/AdobeStock

As the price of gas continues to seemingly hold steady at around three dollars a gallon, the pocketbooks of Americans continue to suffer. Regretfully, due to global conflict and the outbreak of wars across Europe and the Middle East, oil prices are continuing to climb upwards, troubled by geopolitical conflict and fears of a potential shutdown of international oil and gas fields.Thankfully, the United States has long been blessed with tremendous sources of domestic energy that, if properly utilized, can protect us from suffering a similar energy-reliance disaster as experienced in Europe.

Legal Beat: Jones Act Moon Shot

Copyright brutto film/AdobeStock

What does the Jones Act have to do with the moon, you ask? Well, we must go to ground on the Jones Act to answer the question.The “Jones Act” we are talking about is the section in the Merchant Marine Act, 1920 which revised the pre-existing reservation of U.S. domestic maritime commerce to qualified U.S.-flag vessels. “Pre-existing” is the right term because the U.S. Government advantaged U.S.-owned vessels in the domestic trade first with a differential duty in 1789 and then with an outright reservation in 1817. Changes were made over time to close loopholes particularly in 1866, 1893, and 1898. The 1898 change for the first-time reserved U.S.

US Unveils $1.15 Billion for Abandoned Oil and Gas Well Clean-up

© ozerkina / Adobe Stock

The Biden administration on Monday said it would make $1.15 billion available to states to clean up abandoned oil and gas wells as part of a broad effort to reduce U.S. climate warming emissions and improve health and safety in nearby communities.The money represents a portion of the $4.7 billion for well clean-up that was included in the infrastructure law passed in Congress last year. The program is a pillar of U.S. President Joe Biden's pledge that fighting climate change will create jobs and revitalize neighborhoods harmed by aging fossil fuel infrastructure.The White House said 26 states were eligible to apply for the funding…

Exxon Suspended from Climate Advocacy Group It Helped Form

ExxonMobil Chief Executive Officer Darren Woods (Photo: ExxonMobil)

Exxon Mobil Corp was suspended from advocacy group Climate Leadership Council (CLC) that looks to make policies to address climate change, the CLC said on Friday.The move comes a little over a month after an Exxon lobbyist said the company supports a carbon tax publicly because the plan to curb climate change would never gain enough political support to be adopted.

The Emerging U.S. Offshore Wind Industry in a Post-COVID-19 World

Join a webinar on June 17, 2020 for the global release of a major new market study on the depth, breadth and growth prospects of the Offshore Wind Market --
© zozulinskyi/AdobeStock

Join a webinar on June 17, 2020 for the global release of a major new market study on the depth, breadth and growth prospects of the Offshore Wind Market -- when it was looking like the offshore wind industry was finally about to take off in the United States, the COVID-19 pandemic has introduced one more significant layer of uncertainty upon an already very complicated playing field. There are currently 15 active offshore wind projects in the planning stages which, if completed, could add approximately 25 gigawatts of electricity to the power grid.The State of PlayThings were hard enough already.

China to Boost Energy Reserve Capacity, Support Unconventional Gas Exploration

Illustratin; Image by xmentoys - AdobeStock

China said on Friday it will bolster the capacity of the country's energy reserves and offer lower gas and electricity charges to key industries, as it looks to ensure energy supply and offset the impact of the coronavirus pandemic.In energy announcements on the first day of the parliament, known as the National People's Congress (NPC), authorities also pledged to boost the country's oil and gas network and continue to support exploration for unconventional gas reserves.The National Development and Reform Commission (NDRC) said in a statement it would push forward construction of crude oil reserves.The coronavirus pandemic has led to a slump in demand for crude oil…

EXIM Bank Amends Mozambique LNG Loan. Earmarks $1.8B for Offshore Work

File Photo: Total

The U.S. EXIM Bank has amended its previously approved September 2019 direct loan supporting U.S. exports for the development and construction of the Total-operated LNG project located on the Afungi Peninsula in northern Mozambique.The original scope of the $4.7 billion loan for the project has been amended from exclusively the onshore portion of the LNG plant and related facilities to also allocate an estimated $1.8 billion to support the project’s offshore production. "As a result, the transaction now will support an increased number—16,700—of estimated American jobs over the five-year construction period," EXIM said Friday.The number of U.S.

WindEnergy Hamburg Postponed Due to Covid-19

Image Credit: WindEnergy Hamburg

WindEnergy Hamburg, a large international trade fair focused on the offshore and onshore wind industry, will be postponed due to the coronavirus pandemic.The organizers said Thursday that the event, originally scheduled to take place in Hamburg, Germany, in September would be pushed back to December.Bernd Aufderheide, CEO of Hamburg Messe und Congress GmbH where the event is scheduled to take place, said: "Unfortunately, it is currently very difficult to assess the development of Covid-19 and the consequences for major international events in September 2020."We will, therefore, postpone WindEnergy Hamburg until the end of the year.

Oil Prices Fall as Demand Woes Eclipse U.S. Stimulus

Illustration by spyrakot - AdobeStock

Oil prices slipped into negative territory on Wednesday as faltering fuel demand from the spread of the coronavirus outweighed a massive pending U.S. economic stimulus package.Brent crude was down 45 cents, or 1.66%, at $26.70 per barrel at 1029 GMT after earlier rising to a high of $28.29.U.S. crude was down 10 cents, or 0.42%, at $23.91 after a high of $25.24 per barrel.U.S. senators and Trump administration officials have reached an agreement on the $2 trillion stimulus bill which is expected to be passed through Congress later on Wednesday.Still…

U.S. Clean Energy Sector Seeks Subsidies to Keep Projects Moving

© Federico Rostagno

Wind and solar energy companies on Thursday called on Congress to pass tax incentives that would help the sector avoid project delays and keep financing flowing amid a pandemic that has choked off supply chains and slowed construction.In a letter to House and Senate leadership, seven clean energy trade groups asked lawmakers to extend deadlines that would allow their projects to qualify for generous wind and solar federal tax credits despite delays caused by the spread of the coronavirus across the globe.The American Wind Energy Association…

Offshore Wind: Decisions Needed Sooner, not Later

AOT is working to develop a new port, specifically configured to serve Atlantic Ocean wind projects, on 30 acres along the Arthur Kill tidal strait between Staten Island and New Jersey. 
Boone Davis, President & CEO, Atlantic Offshore Terminals

On September 26, the State University of New York Maritime College hosted a conference on the emerging east coast offshore wind industry. “Offshore Wind Power, Planning for America’s Ocean Energy” focused on four fundamental topics:• East Coast Wind Farm Overview – Status of the Industry.• Jobs and Supply Chain Technical Working Group.• Wind Farm Port Development.• Offshore Wind Maritime Operations.In some ways, actually clocking in for a day’s work on an offshore wind turbine is tantalizingly close. Ditto for power flowing from an offshore substation to a mainland interconnection.

U.S. Needs to Revive Shallow-Water GoM E&P

The US should define the Gulf of Mexico Shallow Water Province as a distinct entity to avoid stranding more than $20 billion of its oil and gas resource, said a new research.According to a research from the Bureau of Safety and Environmental Enforcement (BSEE) and Bureau of Ocean Energy Management (BOEM) the GOM Shallow Water Province, comprised of water less than 200 meters deep, is a historically energy-rich area which now produces natural gas, accounting for 33% of the gulf’s gas production and just over 10% of its oil production.Production and infrastructure investment used to be substantially higher in the Shallow Water Province…

Denmark OKs Nord Stream 2 Project

Denmark has granted permission for the Russian Nord Stream 2 natural gas pipeline to be constructed across Danish seabed in the Baltic Sea, leading to Germany.The Danish decision puts greater pressure on U.S. Congress to quickly pass a sanctions bill to halt the project before it is completed.The pipeline being constructed under the Baltic Sea by Russia's Gazprom energy giant is nearly complete, but had not previously been granted permission to cross Denmark's exclusive economic zone.DEA is in charge of the application to construct its planned…

Milito Named NOIA President

Erik Milito (Photo: NOIA)

Veteran energy industry association executive Erik Milito has been named as the new president of the National Ocean Industries Association (NOIA) and will to take the helm of the offshore energy association effective November 1, 2019.“Erik is a strong leader and an effective communicator, qualities that make him a great fit for NOIA President and will serve our membership well. I am confident in his ability to inspire the NOIA membership and convey to the public the important role that offshore energy plays in America and beyond,” said NOIA…

U.S. Slaps Sanctions on Firms Moving Venezuelan Oil to Cuba

© Marit / Adobe Stock

The U.S. Treasury Department on Tuesday imposed sanctions on four maritime firms and vessels transporting Venezuelan oil to Cuba, amid an acute fuel scarcity in the island that is forcing people to line up for gasoline and public transport.Despite tough U.S. measures against Venezuela's state-owned oil company PDVSA in January, Cuba's state-run oil import and export company Cubametales and other Cuba-based entities "have continued to circumvent sanctions by receiving oil shipments from Venezuela," the Treasury said in a statement.Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin said the United States was continuing to take action against Venezuelan leader Nicolas Maduro…

How to Determine Which Countries Have the Best Energy Policies

© virojt / Adobe Stock

Which countries have the best energy policies? This is an interesting, and rather obvious, question, considering that every country’s energy practices impact the world in one way or another. But it’s one you don’t often hear asked.That is probably because it’s hard to compare countries in any sensible and fair way, given the differences in population, size, economy and resources.Still, the world needs to know who does it best. The challenge is to measure performance against a set of agreed indicators, that governments find helpful in meeting their own challenges to develop coherent policies.It goes without saying how important this is.

NOIA Weighs in on The COASTAL Act

National Ocean Industries Association (NOIA) Vice President for Government and Political Affairs Tim Charters

National Ocean Industries Association (NOIA) Vice President for Government and Political Affairs Tim Charters issued the following statement after the introduction of the Conservation of America’s Shoreline Terrain and Aquatic Life (COASTAL) Act:“It is vital that American offshore energy production promote equity for the states immediately adjacent to these offshore areas. By amending GOMESA and establishing a revenue sharing program for Alaska, the COASTAL Act will ensure that these states receive continued benefits from their participation in offshore energy production, while still protecting an irreplaceable revenue stream for the U.S.

Tanzania Builds $30bn LNG Project

Dr Medard Kalemani, Tanzania’s Minister of Energy, has confirmed the recently announced plans for a syndicate of oil companies to commence construction of the $30bn LNG project in 2022.In March, the government stated that it planned to complete negotiations with a group of international oil companies in September to develop the project.Led by Norwegian energy firm, and Platinum Sponsor of the Congress, Equinor, the group also consists of Royal Dutch Shell, ExxonMobil, Ophir Energy and Pavilion Energy.These international companies will work closely on the project…

Atlantic Offshore Wind: Favorable Winds for Maritime

© 3plusx/Adobe Stock

Now that the United States finally can envision steady winds blowing from the Atlantic Seaboard due to a pipeline of offshore wind farms on the horizon, the maritime industry can finally step up and earn some of the benefits. This includes shipbuilding, port construction, and worker training. This article reviews the key developments and forecasts the growth in maritime jobs.The federal and state governments share responsibility for developing offshore wind farms and bringing the wind into the power grid and, ultimately, to consumers.This shared responsibility arises from the fact that the federal government…

U.S. Court to Decide Who Will Control Citgo

AdobeStock / © Renaschild

A U.S. court will decide whether a board of directors appointed by Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro or one backed by his rival, opposition leader Juan Guaido, runs the eighth-largest U.S. refiner, Citgo Petroleum Corp.A lawsuit filed by Maduro's representatives on Tuesday in Delaware Chancery Court seeks to reassert control over Citgo , along with other U.S. subsidiaries of PDVSA , the Venezuelan state-run oil company.Citgo, Venezuela's most important foreign asset, has been caught in a tug-of-war as U.S. President Donald Trump's government…